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Menheniot Parish Council

Agendas and Minutes Archive 2022

20/01/2022 , Bank Nov 2021

17/02/2022 Agenda Minutes, 6A Air Ambulance Donation , 6B Merrymeet RA Donation, Bank Nov 2021, 8C Bank Jan 2022 | 8D Outturn Q3 Oct-Dec 2021 , 8D Outturn Q3 Oct-Dec 2021 , 9E MPC MSA Lease Draft Feb 2022 , 9F CNA Highways Guidance & EOI , 9G ToR Draft Tencreek Development Working Group , 9H ToR Draft Boundary Review Working Group

17/03/2022 Agenda Minutes, 22A Morval NDP Consultee Notification Letter , 23C Bank Feb 2022 , 23D Local Maintenance Partnership 2022/23, 25A Menheniot Green Meeting Notes 3 Mar 2022

21/04/2022 Agenda Minutes, Email from Cornwall Hospice Care, Letter from Menheniot Looe Cricket Club , Bank Mar 2022

19/05/2022 Annual Parish Meeting Agenda Minutes, Minutes 9 May 2019

19/05/2022 Agenda Minutes, 51A Donation Request Cherry Fayre, 53C Bank Apr 2022, 53D Outturn Q4 Jan-Mar 2022, 53 Quotation for Insurance Renewal , 54B Briefing Renewing the General Power of Compete, 54C Briefing Annual Audit , 54D Cllr Responsibilities, 55A RoSPA Report Merrymeet Play Area, 55B Briefing Engagement Policy Refresh

16/06/2022 Agenda Minutes, 64A Email from St Cleer AFC, 66C Bank May 2022, 67B Cllr Responsibilities, 68A Briefing Note Sky Lanterns , 68A Briefing Note Community Energy

21/07/2022 Agenda Minutes, 77A Community Governance Review Email from CC, 79A Application for Street Trading Licence, 80C Bank Reconciliation 30 June 2022, 80D Financial Outturn Qtr 1 2022, 82A Menheniot Green Report, 83B Briefing Note New Website, 83C Briefing Note Clerks Delegation

15/09/2022 Meeting of Councillors Agenda Minutes

20/09/2022 Councillors Decisions Sep 2022 , #1 Community Right to Buy, #2 MRA Reuquest for donation, #3 Reuqest to purchase bench, #4 PKF Littlejohn Audit appointment, #5 Quottaion for repairs to playground

20/10/2022 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes, 91A Menheniot Primary School CIL reuest, 91B Community Right to Buy, 92A Actions from Sep 2022 meeting, 94C Bank Sep 2022, 94D Outtirn Q2 Jul-Sep 2022, 95C Withdrawal of 77 bus service, 96A Cllr Adrian Cole Menheniot Green Report+

17/11/2022 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes, 106A Menheniot Scout Group donation, 109C Bank Oct 2022, 109D Budget & Precept Briefing Note, 109F Menheniot Tennis Club Community Grant app, 111 Community Network Area consult, 111 Menheniot Green update, 111 Tencreek development discussion, 112B Civic Calendar 2023, 111 Community Network Area consult Exec Summary, 107B Briefing Note Weed control

15/12/2022 Public Meeting Menheniot Old School Agenda Minutes, 120C Bank Reconciliation Nov 2022, 120D Budget & Precept Briefing 2023/24