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Menheniot Parish Council


Weekly Planning Reports

Tencreek Farm | Parish Council's Decision not to support this application April 2024

At their public meeting held on 18 April 2024, councillors agreed not to support the planning application for 202 homes on the development site at Tencreek Farm. The parish’s decision and reasoning is advisory and the final decision on the application will be made by Cornwall Council’s Planning Officers.

If you have comments to make on any aspect of the application, please post your comments on Cornwall Council’s Planning Portal. Search online for ‘Cornwall online planning register’

Tencreek decision explainer

22nd April 2024

SE Cornwall Economic Development Group

Your parish council is a member of the South East Cornwall Community Area Partnership, a Cornwall Council managed group. The ED Group meets quarterly to scrutinise economic development strategies across the area and act as a critical friend to Cornwall Council.

You can view and download minutes and reports below.

ED Meeting Notes 23 Jan 2024

16th April 2024

Menheniot Neighbourhood Plan | Design Guide

If you're planning or thinking about a planning application, you need to take account of the design principles listed in the Design Guide. Your architect or agent is best placed to interpret the guide and apply it to your proposal.

Menheniot Design Guide (pdf)

Menheniot Neighbourhood Plan: Now adopted at referendum.

Following a successful referendum on 7 April 2022, planning officers will now reference the plan and adopted policies when giving advice or making recommendations If you intend to submit a planning application to Cornwall Council now, you are advised to consult the plan and seek guidance where it might impact on your proposal. You can view the final copy of the plan using the link below (large document).

Menheniot Neighbourhood Plan

14th April 2022

Information for Residents

The Parish Council welcomes questions and comments from residents on all aspects of its decision making. If you are a resident, our full report (see link below) may help you understand what the council can and cannot do when it receives a planning application.

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Information for Applicants

If you intend to submit a planning application that could impact on the parish (this means that your development may not be in the parish itself but would affect our residents), then you are invited to consult with the Parish Council prior to submitting your application to Cornwall Council. Read our full report for more information.

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Pre-application Protocol Agreement (pdf)

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