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Menheniot Parish Council

Dog mess - and how to dispose of it

Councillors are receiving increasing numbers of complaints about the amount and frequency of dog mess left lying around the village centre. Most of the complaints are about the playing fields on East Road, and the area between Vicarage Close and the public toilets. There are five bins in that area that can be used to dispose of your bagged waste (you can put your poo bags in any public waste bin). The parish council is installing new bins around that area, but there will always be a small minority of anti-social dog owners who don’t pick up.

What you can do

If you see someone allowing their dog to foul and not pick up, we never advise confronting them. But it would help us if you can let us know what has happened and when. Download the Dog Mess Diary and keep a record for us. Post or email it back to the Clerk’s Office when you have recorded enough instances. If you can’t complete all the entries, just fill in what you can.

In this way, we can build up a picture of where exactly the incidents are taking place, and with sufficient evidence, call in the dog warden from Cornwall Council.

Warning notice

We will be posting more warning notices up to remind people to pick up – but we know that the few people who cause the problem usually ignore them. So please – take a moment to report any sightings you have.

Download document (pdf)

30th November 2023